Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Don't "Settle" for a Doctor

 When I was younger, when I went to the doctor, I took the meds they gave me, never questioned them. They're the doctors, right?

 Now I am older and I know better. YOU have to take control of your life, question everything. If I listened to everything my doctors told me now, I'd be dead.

 I am not saying that I am smarter or know more than my doctor, but I know ME, and doctors rarely get to know you as a person.

 My  doctor recently prescribed me Femara. When I got home, I looked Femara up on their website. On it, it clearly states that it is for  treatment of breast cancer, but only if you have been taking Tamoxifen for at least 5 years.

From the website: Femara

FEMARA is indicated for the extended adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer in postmenopausal women who have received 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen therapy. The effectiveness of FEMARA in extended adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer is based on an analysis of disease-free survival in patients treated with FEMARA for a median of 60 months.

 I have not been taking Tamoxifen at all.

I went to my doctor friday and I had a friend with me. My friend was there for moral support as this was the day I got results from my biopsy. I felt so bad for my friend, because my doctor gave her bad news. Yep, apparantly my friend has metastatic breast cancer in her lung. Wait, did that not make any sense? Right, yes, I was there to get results from MY biopsy, from MY doctor, but the moment my doctor walked into the room she only looked at my friend and talked to her. She gave my friend all the news, I was just a bystander.

Also, not once, but twice, the doctor was interrupted by the nurse knocking and pulling her from the room. What a way to make someone feel insignificant!

 Pick your Doctor, talk to your Doctor. If their plan seems like a good one, great. But if they just seem like they want to do the bare minimum, or treat you like a number, find a new Doctor. I have already fired one doctor and this one will be fired later this afternoon, why? Because I was supposed to get rather important test results yesterday, and she couldn't be bothered to call or even have a colleague call if she was busy. To me, that means I'm not important enough to her.

This is MY life, and I WILL be in charge of it.

Plan B

        I have spent my entire life, running through other people's lives. I never felt that I belonged, never felt like I was ...